Umlet Notes

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Useful Shapes

Very simple left-to-right arrow:

// Parameters drawLine(x1, y1, x2, y2)
drawLine(10, 10, 10, height-10) // left edge
drawLine(10, 10, width-25, 10) // top long edge
drawLine(10, height-10, width-25, height-10) // bottom long edge

drawLine(width-25,0,width-25,10)  // upper arrow lip
drawLine(width-25,height-10,width-25,height) // lower arrow lip

drawLine(width-25,0,width-10,height/2)  // upper diag
drawLine(width-25,height,width-10,height/2) // lower diag

Stupid cloud shape

drawArc(80,140,30,40,180,180,true) transparency=100
drawArc(110,140,30,40,180,180,true) transparency=100
drawArc(140,135,30,40,200,180,true) transparency=100
drawArc(167,117, 30,40,220,180,true) transparency=100
drawArc(179,86, 30,40,270,180,true) transparency=100
drawArc(175,48, 30,40,300,180,true) transparency=100
drawArc(151,28, 30,40,350,180,true) transparency=100
drawArc(121,28, 30,40,350,180,true) transparency=100
drawArc(90,28, 30,40,10,180,true) transparency=100
drawArc(60,37, 30,40,30,180,true) transparency=100
drawArc(35,57, 30,40,50,180,true) transparency=100
drawArc(30,94, 30,40,80,180,true) transparency=100
drawArc(30,130, 30,40,120,180,true) transparency=100
drawArc(52,150, 34,40,165,180,true) transparency=100

Mux: left to right

drawLine(0, 0, 0, height)
drawLine(width,  0.1 * height, width, height - 0.1 * height)
drawLine(0, 0, width, 0.1 * height)
drawLine(0, height, width, height - 0.1 * height)

Mux: right to left

drawLine(0, 0.1 * height, 0, height - 0.1 * height)
drawLine(width,  0, width, height)
drawLine(0, 0.1 * height, width, 0)
drawLine(0, height - 0.1 * height, width, height)

Dot dot dot

//Text Element
drawArc(0, 0, 5, 5, 130, 360, true) bg=gray
drawArc(10, 0, 5, 5, 130, 360, true) bg=gray
drawArc(20, 0, 5, 5, 130, 360, true) bg=gray