Python ArgParse Module Notes
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parser = subparsers.add_parser()
- parser.set_defaults(func=...)
ArgParse Python Module
Really bloody useful for parsing command line options given to scripts with ease!
import argparse parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Describe your program here") # Define arguments args = parser.parse_args()
You can add_argument()'s to the parser. Arguments can be positional or optional.Optional arguments are generally specified as a short command, e.g. -h, and/or as a long command, e.g. --help along with an action to perform if the command is received. Positional arguments are just defined as a name with no preceeding hypenated prefix.
For example, to add version information to the command line you could do:
parser.add_argument( "-v", "--version" , action = 'version' , version = '%(prog)s {version}'.format(version=__version__) , help = ("print version information") )
If you want to store the value of an argument in some way you will want to use one of the following actions (there are more possibilities - see the Python docs):
To store a conditional you would do something like this:
parser.add_argument("-j", "--jehtech", action="store") args = parser.parse_args() print args.jehtech
If you then ran your program with the command line argument python --jehtech "Hi JehTech" the variable args.jehtech would hold the string "Hi JehTech"
To store a positional you would do something like this:
parser.add_argument("jehtech_positional") args = parser.parse_args() print args.jehtech_positional
If you want your program as python "Hi positional" the variable args.jehtech_positional would hold the string "Hi positional".
store_const (and store_true/store_false)
Use these to store the presense of a flag that has no value associated with it. For example, a verbose flag, probably stands alone, i.e., the flag doesn't have a value associated with it. The const value is what is stored in the parser variable.
parser.add_argument( "-T", "--test_mode" , const = "This the value to store" , action = 'store_const' ) args = parser.parse_args()
If the option is specified on the command line the property args.test_mode will contain the string "This is the value to store". If it was not specified the property will be None.
You can specify a default value to be stored if the option is not specified on the command line using the default=... argument to add_argument().
parser.add_argument( "-T", "--test_mode" , const = "This the value to store" , default = "Default value if --test_mode not specified" , action = 'store_const' ) args = parser.parse_args()
The actions store_true and store_false are just shorthand actions for when you would normally set const to either True or False.
parser.add_argument( "-T", "--test_mode" , const = True , action = 'store_const' )
Is equivalent to...
parser.add_argument( "-T", "--test_mode", action="store_true")
This will append values to a list. See Python docs...